Tuesday, May 25, 2010

star moment

a rich man travelled in a finely appointed carriage
with lanterns on each corner of his vehicle
to light the road around and ahead.
He went his way in satisfaction and security,
assured that his wealth provided him with a good life.
One day along the road
the rich man passed a poor peasant who had no carriage to carry him
and no lamp to light his way.
Yet while the rich man pitied the poor peasant
who had no money to buy all the creature comforts,
the poor peasant could see the stars
which the rich man missed
because he was blinded by his lamps .........
Soren Kieregaard

Monday, May 17, 2010

dignity moment

there was a tenderness yesterday
a quiet encounter with grace
some holy moments

the time had come for a pastor friend to leave
the pasture he had been tending for ten years .......

this was man's decision
not God's ...........

the board
in their wisdom
asked their shepherd to leave
and rather than fight
he pulled up his tent pegs
and acquiesced ......

he agreed to leave after one final service

anyone who wished to attend
was invited to this service

we were told there would be communion available

the pastor spoke a bit from Nehemiah,
one of his heroes

then called us each by name to come forward
when he personally served us communion
as individuals or families
while speaking a word over each one
with tears streaming down his face

there was a river around the altar
a river of salty water

and so
with quiet dignity
deep humility
and abounding grace
he released that pasture
to the care of man ..........

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

michael moment

this past Sunday was "mother's day" ..........

it is such a privilege to be a mother
I am so blessed by my children .....
they each are unique
and each so very beautiful inside and out
so tender
and so strong ...............
my love for them is deep

even in this though
there is a Michael sized hole within me
impossible to fill
but around which
I am building a garden .........

Sunday, May 09, 2010

more moments

and I have come to understand
our biggest fig leaf
is Christianity

this is the leaf we most often hide behind

three words

we are a fearful people

where are you?
those words cause us to run
to hide

and escape into "Christianity"

Saturday, May 08, 2010

enfolding moment

there was a moment
by a tree
Adam made a decision
and was no longer enfolded in God
in the chill of his sudden nakedness
he searched for fig leaves

there was another moment
by a tree
Mary stood
and watched her son
enfolded in the sins of the world
my sins
he too felt the chill of the absence of God
but did not search for fig leaves

to me in any case
that it was a fig tree
in full leaf
that Jesus caused to wither at the root

it's too easy to reach for fig leaves

Monday, May 03, 2010

discerning moment

discernment is God's call to intercession
never to fault finding

Oswald Chambers