Sunday, March 01, 2009

is it moment

when Jesus calmed the storm, did anyone think to offer Him a blanket
a warming bowl of soup

when He fed the 5000, did any one make sure He had a piece of the bread

when He washed the feet of His closest friends, did any one of them think to wash His feet

He never asked his friends asked for much ......... only to keep watch with Him

He is still asking today ......... is there any one who will simply keep watch with Him ......
simply be with him – not DO for him, simply BE with him ......

even this day, on the Sabbath day He has provided ........ is there any one who will quietly spend even a few hours
watching with the One who watches
beholding the One who beholds

is there any one who will wash His feet with their tears
anoint His head with their praise

is there any one who would dare to push through the throng of the religious
and simply lay their face upon His bloodied pierced feet

do you love Me?
one of you will betray Me

do you love Me?
before the cock crows three times, you will deny me

do you love Me?

is it I, Lord

am I awake

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