Thursday, April 14, 2011

killing moment

recently while undergoing some medical tests
it was discovered there was something ugly
and dangerous growing away
hidden deep inside .........
not yet big enough to be noticed by the naked eye
not yet hugely altering how the body was functioning
just simmering away
quietly and slowly
extending its tentacles into everything around it

just like our amazing medical technology
enables one to see deep inside
and find hidden things

there are moments God allows
a "seeing" into the body of Christ

during a season in the midst of a community
I began to see something ugly
and dangerous
simmering away ..........

this was a cancer of jealousy ..........
hidden deep inside
not yet exposed enough to be seen by many eyes
not yet hugely altering how the body was functioning
just simmering away
quietly and slowly
extending its tentacles into those around

some others did not see it
yet began to feel its presence

and just like it takes time to develop a protocol
to treat a dangerous disease in the natural body
time had to be taken
to seek God's protocol for dealing with this particular disease

there are very few things
more destructive than a silent cancer
cancer can kill

there are very few things
more destructive than a simmering jealousy
jealousy can kill

what is seldom understood
is that jealousy
although projected outward
is already killing the person infected with it

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