loving everybody
while not being unfaithful
to anyone
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
kiss moment
there is the kiss of presence
that is so sweet
so tender
so healing
so freeing
so powerful
so easy to receive
and yet so rarely given
that is so sweet
so tender
so healing
so freeing
so powerful
so easy to receive
and yet so rarely given
Saturday, December 17, 2011
home moment
there are some who draw near the house
but who are never home
and others who are always around the house
but never home
but who are never home
and others who are always around the house
but never home
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
touch moment
"and our hands have touched"
1 John 1:1
God on earth
touched by human hands
gazed upon
1 John 1:1
God on earth
touched by human hands
gazed upon
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
reveal moment
to love someone is not to do things for them
but to reveal to them their beauty and value
to say to them through our attitude
you are beautiful
you are important
I trust you
you can trust yourself
but to reveal to them their beauty and value
to say to them through our attitude
you are beautiful
you are important
I trust you
you can trust yourself
Monday, December 05, 2011
friendship moment
unless we are open to the gift of friendship
allowing ourselves to be loved
and to really love in return
only then can we know what it might be
to have God love us
and to love God
the experience of love
is the only teacher of love
allowing ourselves to be loved
and to really love in return
only then can we know what it might be
to have God love us
and to love God
the experience of love
is the only teacher of love
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
owning moment
owning our story can be hard
but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it
embracing our vulnerabilities is risky
but not nearly as dangerous as giving up
on love
and belonging
and joy
the experiences that make us the most vulnerable
only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness
will we discover the infinite power of our life
Brene Brown
Saturday, November 12, 2011
cancer moment
I spent yesterday afternoon with a friend
who has been diagnosed with breast cancer
she quite quickly after the diagnosis
decided not to have surgery or any conventional treatment
and instead went to some centre in Arizona
that teaches about the correlation between diet and disease ...........
after 3 weeks there
my friend came back
armed with tons of literature
and a strong determination
to rigidly follow this new way of eating ............
this was in August
yesterday I spent time with the shell of my friend
she has now lost 30 pounds and was very thin to begin with -
her color is grey
her hair is limp
her eyes are dull
and she is listless
but she still believes this is the journey God has laid out before her ...........
I shared "the question" with her
and she was rocked .......
I asked her if she was at peace
or simply worn out
and she was unable to find an answer
everything within me believes she is dying
and I am not sure this is God's will for her at this time ....
do I speak
do I stay quiet
is staying quiet loving her
is speaking loving her
or perhaps really most times
it is hard to figure out what this thing called love is
and how to do it
sometimes too it is hard to simply receive it
who has been diagnosed with breast cancer
she quite quickly after the diagnosis
decided not to have surgery or any conventional treatment
and instead went to some centre in Arizona
that teaches about the correlation between diet and disease ...........
after 3 weeks there
my friend came back
armed with tons of literature
and a strong determination
to rigidly follow this new way of eating ............
this was in August
yesterday I spent time with the shell of my friend
she has now lost 30 pounds and was very thin to begin with -
her color is grey
her hair is limp
her eyes are dull
and she is listless
but she still believes this is the journey God has laid out before her ...........
I shared "the question" with her
and she was rocked .......
I asked her if she was at peace
or simply worn out
and she was unable to find an answer
everything within me believes she is dying
and I am not sure this is God's will for her at this time ....
do I speak
do I stay quiet
is staying quiet loving her
is speaking loving her
or perhaps really most times
it is hard to figure out what this thing called love is
and how to do it
sometimes too it is hard to simply receive it
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
ashamed moment
just yesterday
I finished reading the autobiography
of one of my heroes -
I wept my way through every page .......
every page that is filled with the tender sharp edge of reality -
this lovely gentle man
who has helped countless others
find peace
to learn how to love
and how to be loved
never himself has been able to dwell in that reality ...........
he has visited there
but never found a home there
never loved by his mom
never affirmed
never wanted
I so relate to his pain
and his picture at the end of the book
broke me into tiny jagged pieces ..........
sitting crookedly in a chair
with his caretaker at his side
his hired caretaker
alone from family
every day absent from a hug
a touch
a kiss
I don't understand ...........
and yet
I do
near the end of his days
he decided to be honest
with himself
and with his readers
the brutality of his honesty is piercing
makes me ashamed of me
I finished reading the autobiography
of one of my heroes -
I wept my way through every page .......
every page that is filled with the tender sharp edge of reality -
this lovely gentle man
who has helped countless others
find peace
to learn how to love
and how to be loved
never himself has been able to dwell in that reality ...........
he has visited there
but never found a home there
never loved by his mom
never affirmed
never wanted
I so relate to his pain
and his picture at the end of the book
broke me into tiny jagged pieces ..........
sitting crookedly in a chair
with his caretaker at his side
his hired caretaker
alone from family
every day absent from a hug
a touch
a kiss
I don't understand ...........
and yet
I do
near the end of his days
he decided to be honest
with himself
and with his readers
the brutality of his honesty is piercing
makes me ashamed of me
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
truth moment
have been thinking about truth
about how my truth is not necessarily another's truth
read a book once called "Absolute Truths" (thanks D.M.)
filled with stories about indviduals' truths
which in most cases turned out simply to be
rationalization or convenience or excuse
a manipulated truth
even when reading scripture looking for truth
and hanging onto a verse, or a word
someone comes along and says
"but that's not what it says in the original language"
a friend would often encourage me
saying "you always speak the truth
and I really appreciate that"
and yet
when a truth was spoken to her
knickers were twisted
and a door was slammed shut
just yesterday
truth was spoken
revealing an inner brokenness
a pain
a festering wound
that had been causing this one to run so fast
and so hard
that his ears were only filled
with the sound of his own feet pounding the pavement
and the spoken truth ignited an anger
which simply was covering up a fear ...........
truth births freedom
but sometimes our chains
the bars on our windows
have become so familiar
so comfortable
that being a slave
is preferable to running free
being dead
is preferable to breathing
trumps living .......
about how my truth is not necessarily another's truth
read a book once called "Absolute Truths" (thanks D.M.)
filled with stories about indviduals' truths
which in most cases turned out simply to be
rationalization or convenience or excuse
a manipulated truth
even when reading scripture looking for truth
and hanging onto a verse, or a word
someone comes along and says
"but that's not what it says in the original language"
a friend would often encourage me
saying "you always speak the truth
and I really appreciate that"
and yet
when a truth was spoken to her
knickers were twisted
and a door was slammed shut
just yesterday
truth was spoken
revealing an inner brokenness
a pain
a festering wound
that had been causing this one to run so fast
and so hard
that his ears were only filled
with the sound of his own feet pounding the pavement
and the spoken truth ignited an anger
which simply was covering up a fear ...........
truth births freedom
but sometimes our chains
the bars on our windows
have become so familiar
so comfortable
that being a slave
is preferable to running free
being dead
is preferable to breathing
trumps living .......
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
pride moment
pride is the dandelion of the soul
its root goes deep
only a little left behind sprouts again
its seeds lodge in the tiniest encouraging cracks
and it flourishes in good soil
the danger of pride is that it feeds on goodness
Monday, October 17, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
prayer moment
prayer is ............a life of absolute surrender to the Holy Spirit
Who is the source of prayer
because He brings the will of the Father to us .............
living continually under the mastery of the Spirit is to live in
a natural flow of prayer as an unconscious stream
ever communing with the Father
to the extent that a simple thought
is heard as a prayer to be answered
and every desire has come from God's own vision
under the blessed Spirit
prayer is breathing ..........
a thought, a sigh, a groan, a want (Rom 8:26,27)
Martha Kilpatrick
Who is the source of prayer
because He brings the will of the Father to us .............
living continually under the mastery of the Spirit is to live in
a natural flow of prayer as an unconscious stream
ever communing with the Father
to the extent that a simple thought
is heard as a prayer to be answered
and every desire has come from God's own vision
under the blessed Spirit
prayer is breathing ..........
a thought, a sigh, a groan, a want (Rom 8:26,27)
Martha Kilpatrick
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
ask moment
in a class of eight year-olds one Sunday morning
one boy continually would disrupt the lesson
finally the boy was taken aside
and the lesson explained to him one on one .............
the thrust of the lesson was about our friendship with God
which offers us an opportunity to ask Him for things ........
this young boy was asked if he wanted to ask God for something
he very quietly responded
"I would like to ask God to tell my dad to stop hitting my mom"
true story
one boy continually would disrupt the lesson
finally the boy was taken aside
and the lesson explained to him one on one .............
the thrust of the lesson was about our friendship with God
which offers us an opportunity to ask Him for things ........
this young boy was asked if he wanted to ask God for something
he very quietly responded
"I would like to ask God to tell my dad to stop hitting my mom"
true story
Thursday, September 29, 2011
plastic moment

now that it is almost October
I decided to finally take down the spring wreath
hanging on my porch wall
and put up a more seasonal fall one
to my surprise
I found a nest had been carefully built into the top of the wreath
this wreath that is very colorful
but absolutely false
and fake
and it reminded me how discerning we must be
about the place where we give birth
to the things of the Spirit
things can look real
smell real
feel real
and yet be totally false
scripture warns us about casting our pearls .............
if the babe in your womb
does not leap
when you are with the people who surround you
you are surrounded
by the wrong people
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
hug moment
there are times
words not only aren't necessary
aren't needed
aren't wanted
times only a touch will do
and sometimes
that touch
is a hug
there are hugs
and there are hugs
last Saturday
I was hugged
by a gentle man from Australia
it was a beautiful hug
a totally asexual hug
a heart hug
it was a safe hug
I was hugged
and today
such a difficult day
filled with such difficult news
it was the echo of that hug
that carried me through
words not only aren't necessary
aren't needed
aren't wanted
times only a touch will do
and sometimes
that touch
is a hug
there are hugs
and there are hugs
last Saturday
I was hugged
by a gentle man from Australia
it was a beautiful hug
a totally asexual hug
a heart hug
it was a safe hug
I was hugged
and today
such a difficult day
filled with such difficult news
it was the echo of that hug
that carried me through
wind moment
the wind
causing fingers of water
to lift up
and reach out in anticipation
the wind
glorious in its dance
then suddenly gone
leaving only the echo of its sigh
as a remnant upon the land
causing fingers of water
to lift up
and reach out in anticipation
the wind
glorious in its dance
then suddenly gone
leaving only the echo of its sigh
as a remnant upon the land
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
value moment
those who know the exact price of things
often don't know the true cost
or value
of anything
often don't know the true cost
or value
of anything
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
peace moment
at dinner last evening with some friends
there was talk of "church" things ........
and I was reminded of a statement
made by Jean Vanier in a recent series of lectures -
"a modest proposal for peace:
that Christians around the world would stop killing one another"
we don't shoot many bullets against one another on this side of the world
but a critical word
snide remark
a word of judgement
pierces deeper than any bullet
leaving a scar that wounds for years
its echo can reverberate loudly in our hearts for a very long time
there was talk of "church" things ........
and I was reminded of a statement
made by Jean Vanier in a recent series of lectures -
"a modest proposal for peace:
that Christians around the world would stop killing one another"
we don't shoot many bullets against one another on this side of the world
but a critical word
snide remark
a word of judgement
pierces deeper than any bullet
leaving a scar that wounds for years
its echo can reverberate loudly in our hearts for a very long time
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Saturday, August 06, 2011
conundrum moment
what does one do
when a friend
is about to make a huge mistake
it is so true -
"love is blind"
something happens to discernment
we are able to convince ourselves all is good
when other eyes see opposite
do we blind ourselves
or are we blinded
is it the longing of our hearts
that pulls the shade down over our eyes
and a comforter over our discernment
to speak
not to speak
that is the question
the age old conundrum
the cop out answer is
"just pray"
and of course prayer is a huge part of this
but sometimes a spoken word of caution is necessary ..........
knowing the spoken word will not be wanted
and probably not received
and so a relationship is then damaged
the risk is huge
when a friend
is about to make a huge mistake
it is so true -
"love is blind"
something happens to discernment
we are able to convince ourselves all is good
when other eyes see opposite
do we blind ourselves
or are we blinded
is it the longing of our hearts
that pulls the shade down over our eyes
and a comforter over our discernment
to speak
not to speak
that is the question
the age old conundrum
the cop out answer is
"just pray"
and of course prayer is a huge part of this
but sometimes a spoken word of caution is necessary ..........
knowing the spoken word will not be wanted
and probably not received
and so a relationship is then damaged
the risk is huge
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
scent moment
when your life has become most frantic
when fear and worry have made their home in you
and anxiety attends your days
may there come from somewhere
the scent of pomegranate and cedar
apple and myrrh
and fig
when fear and worry have made their home in you
and anxiety attends your days
may there come from somewhere
the scent of pomegranate and cedar
apple and myrrh
and fig
Friday, July 22, 2011
family moment
only when we have the courage to cross the street
and look in one another's eyes
can we see there
that we are children of the same God
and members of the same human family
Henri Nouwen
and look in one another's eyes
can we see there
that we are children of the same God
and members of the same human family
Henri Nouwen
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
orphan moment
"Sons are teachable, orphans are not. Orphans earnestly desire some spiritual achievement and distinction and are willing to achieve it, they have a desire to be seen and counted among the mature. Sons are content simply to experience daily the Fathers love and acceptance and be sent as a representative of His love to family and others."
Jack Frost "Slavery to Sonship"
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
stump moment
a few years ago
I came across a magnificent children's book
called "The Giving Tree"
written by Shel Silverstein
I knew immediately God was speaking to me
through these words ........
but it is only recently
that I am gaining some understanding
the story basically is about a tree
who gives itself away
piece by piece
because of love
the time eventually comes
when the tree believes it has nothing left to give
no branches
no shade
no fruit
no body
and yet
this tree
now only a stump
discovers that a stump still can give
this stump is able to provide a place of rest
enough strength remaining to enable someone to lean against
most of us reach a stump phase in our lives
wondering if there is anything left to give
feeling somewhat set aside
having recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease
which has caused my body to be at war with itself
I find this story even more poignant
and even more comforting
right now in an acute phase of this disease
having difficulty with mobility
not able to even hold a coffee cup with one hand
(necessitating becoming a two fisted drinker!)
thinking a lot before attempting anything
this old stump is privileged to provide a place of rest
for those who are weary
for those who need to lean a bit
for those who simply need a spot to "be"
at the lake last week
I came across a stump
down by the water
a stump of a long dead cedar
that had to be cut down years ago
before it fell on someone
this old old stump
has a tiny sprout of green life
birthing from it
what many would pass by
seeing only death
those who walk slowly
would see life
I came across a magnificent children's book
called "The Giving Tree"
written by Shel Silverstein
I knew immediately God was speaking to me
through these words ........
but it is only recently
that I am gaining some understanding
the story basically is about a tree
who gives itself away
piece by piece
because of love
the time eventually comes
when the tree believes it has nothing left to give
no branches
no shade
no fruit
no body
and yet
this tree
now only a stump
discovers that a stump still can give
this stump is able to provide a place of rest
enough strength remaining to enable someone to lean against
most of us reach a stump phase in our lives
wondering if there is anything left to give
feeling somewhat set aside
having recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease
which has caused my body to be at war with itself
I find this story even more poignant
and even more comforting
right now in an acute phase of this disease
having difficulty with mobility
not able to even hold a coffee cup with one hand
(necessitating becoming a two fisted drinker!)
thinking a lot before attempting anything
this old stump is privileged to provide a place of rest
for those who are weary
for those who need to lean a bit
for those who simply need a spot to "be"
at the lake last week
I came across a stump
down by the water
a stump of a long dead cedar
that had to be cut down years ago
before it fell on someone
this old old stump
has a tiny sprout of green life
birthing from it
what many would pass by
seeing only death
those who walk slowly
would see life
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Vanier moment
To look forward, to want life, means we have to be willing to look backwards and become more conscious of all those who have hurt us, all that is broken in us and that has brought us inner deaths, hurts that we may have hidden and stifled. It means that we acknowledge the story of our origins, of our own lives, see and accept our brokenness and the times we also have hurt others. When we have accepted who we are and what we need in order to grow in compassion and peacemaking, we can move forward to give life. To forgive is a gift of God that permits us to let go of our past hurts.
Jean Vanier
Jean Vanier
Friday, June 24, 2011
loving moment
loving someone does not simply mean doing things for them
it is much more profound
to love someone is to show to them their beauty
their worth
and their importance
it is to understand them
understand their cries
and their body language
it is to rejoice in their presence
spend time in their company
and communicate with them
to love is to live a heart-to-heart relationship with another
giving to and receiving from each other
it is much more profound
to love someone is to show to them their beauty
their worth
and their importance
it is to understand them
understand their cries
and their body language
it is to rejoice in their presence
spend time in their company
and communicate with them
to love is to live a heart-to-heart relationship with another
giving to and receiving from each other
Thursday, June 16, 2011
passing moment
Human life
passes through very different stages
on the way from weakness to weakness
from the mother's womb
to the womb of the earth
passes through very different stages
on the way from weakness to weakness
from the mother's womb
to the womb of the earth
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
pulling moment

after a long winter
spiritually and naturally
I made it to the poustinia
for a time of planting my feet in the soil of God
we had been cutting down huge trees
that had fallen during a violent wind a few weeks ago -
these trees, some very very old, were leaning on younger trees
full of life
but now being bent and bowed and endangered
under the weight of death
and I saw spiritually
how there was a lot of dead wood in my heart
pains and rejections and betrayals
and fear
mostly fear
that were pressing on tender shoots of love
Jer 4:3 speaks of breaking up the fallow ground
and I see afresh how time spent with God works the earth of my heart
first a pulling of the weeds
then a pulling of things I have planted
and I feel the struggle in my knees
and my back
living faithfully to my true self
has disappointed a lot of people
closest friends
when I have failed to meet their expectations,
they have left
religious leaders ..........who do not appreciate a disruption of their theology
Lord, help me to love others well
while remaining faithful to you
Holy Spirit, empower me to pause
and savor the sacred in all I do -
be it large or small
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