Sunday, February 27, 2011
discovering moment
is who they say they are
begins a rape of an innocence
that lasts a lifetime
Saturday, February 26, 2011
crashed moment
of taking a 2 mile hike along the beach
first thing every morning -
although I take the same route
at the same time each day
some mornings I walk in a dense fog
sometimes it is a literal fog
sometimes a spiritual fog
some mornings I walk in brilliant sunshine
the coming heat just touching the edges of the day
some mornings the walk is easy
on hard packed sand
some mornings the walk is not so easy
the sand mushy and slippery
causing muscles not often used to pull and stretch
some mornings my feet stay dry
some mornings I am soaked
it all depends upon the tides ....
this week the tides of sorrow
and pain
and grief have been high
and just as in the natural
when a high rough tide
rearranges the shape of the beach
the spiritual beach of me
has been altered
I am still walking the same route
but some spiritual muscles not often called into play
are aching these days
the surf this morning is rolling high and hard
flexing its muscles
to display the great strength there is in the sea
and yet
crashing to its knees as it meets the land
and I feel a bit crashed to my knees .........
I know the strength is still there
but somehow it seems OK
to crash to my knees ....
face down
on the shores
of my God
Friday, February 25, 2011
jet moment
to wake up in this place each morning
leap out of bed
grab my hat
and head for the beach -
while walking my usual 2 mile route today
I noted all the shells
lying face up
like cupped hands
each one holding water ..........
and I thought of Jesus
how He continually offers Himself
offers living water
all the heavy news this week
of death
and grief
and deep sorrow
and in the middle of it all
Jesus offers Himself
we have the choice
to drink
or not
it is impossible to question
while drinking ......
suddenly a huge fighter jet
screamed across the sky
such a piercing sound
I could actually feel it
and when everything was quiet again
I realized the pain in my soul was gone
it was as if the jet had pulled something out
as it went overhead .......
so interesting
that Jesus would choose that moment
to heal my soul
while in the valley
I am able to drink
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
fog moment
all the sounds of the ocean are there
like a giant lung inhaling and exhaling
but completely hidden in a grey soup
seems sort of fitting
after hearing the news yesterday
of a sudden death
in a far off land ..
and then more news
of a birth
a new life
the ocean offers
and takes away
life offered
life taken away
all a mystery
God is here
just hidden
in the thick mist of a fog
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
overdone moment
went for a 5 mile hike
it was lovely getting out and about
and exploring different corners of this village
the last mile while coming home
was really tough -
we decided to return via the beach
and take advantage of the sea breeze ......
the tide was in
which meant we had to walk on soft sand
which kept slipping from beneath our feet
by the time we stepped onto our beachfront
I was totally done in
after resting for 3 hours
my heart rate finally started to slow down
and my head pounding eased off a bit
all made me wonder
what we would do
if my heart failed again down here ..........
realized that even though it has only been 2 years
I had already started to take things for granted again
our bodies
fearfully and wonderfully made
need to be understood
listened to
cared for
one has to find the right balance
between caring for the soul
and caring for the body
can't do one without the other
this day
I will strive to be a tad wiser
Sunday, February 20, 2011
yesterday moment
I don't even know how I feel about it
I can't find an appropriate word
we spent the day with my brother in law
his ex wife
and her current husband
sitting by their pool
in the back yard of their new home
there is a high spouting fountain that spills into the pool
and there was just as much wine flowing beside the pool
the conversation was disturbing to my spirit
it all seemed so shallow
so empty
their lives are consumed with momentary pleasure
or what they hope will bring them pleasure
things are being accumulated
and set out for display
there really is no thought for tomorrow
other than the fact everyone bemoans the fact
that retirement is no longer on anyone's horizon
the economy here is really in the tank
and all hope of stopping work at 60 or 65
or even 70 has vanished
no one seems to like their job
it is simply a means to an end
an empty end
and so minds
are all numbed by the continuous intake of alcohol
bodies are surgically tucked
and bleached
there is no thought to caring for their spirit
their soul
in the midst of all the empty laughter filling the air
I silently wept inside
there seemed to be no point to anything
and this is family ............
it was good to get in the car and drive away
and yet
all night I could not sleep
Friday, February 18, 2011
pipe moment
a literal fog
sort of appropriate
I know the sea
the beach
the birds
are all there
just hidden for the moment
reminds me of times
I know God is there
His Voice
His Presence
His touch
but hidden from me
because of the fog of a situation ..........
yesterday while walking the beach
I saw some huge pipes
obviously meant to drain rain water
from the inland waterway that meanders through the village
one of the pipes was 90% plugged with sand
from a high tide
when I peered way into it
I could see a tiny window of light at the other end
another pipe a little further along
was wide open
with water draining easily into the sand
there are times
because of our placement
or our positioning in that placement
the tides of life can fill us up
so there is no flow
makes me think of the coffee cup
with the broken handle
still able to do what it was designed to do
but needed two hands to hold it carefully
I have been that plugged pipe
I have been that coffee cup
Thursday, February 17, 2011
fragrant moment
the sun and I woke up together on the beach
the sea's song was gentle
each thrust of the water offering up fresh treasures from the depths
an egret was waiting by the shore
and we walked together for a mile or so ..........
two dolphins played in the surf
later while sitting with my book
a lady came over
asking if she could sit with me
she asked what perfume I was wearing!
which always amazes me ..........
before too many moments
she was telling me her story ........
I asked if I could pray with her ..........
and another soul has entered the kingdom of God
while watching the sun set last evening
another lady sat beside me .........
and she told me her story
and as the sun met the edge of the ocean
she met the King of kings
and another soul has entered the kingdom of God
I wonder what He has in mind for today
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
linger moment
walked the beach today
no one else around
only my footprints evidencing that I had been there
turned out
I had barely passed by
before the sea gathered up my foot prints
and swept them into the sea
but what of their memory
does it linger in the sand
long after they are no longer there
and I think of the foot prints of some
who have walked with me for a season
and then they are gone
their memory lingers
as does their foot prints
in my heart
Friday, February 11, 2011
penetrating moment
far, far, up above
Actually he is, we might say,
the divine Person who is most closely present to the creature.
He penetrates him with himself.
He calls him,
he protects him.
He makes of him his living temple.
He defends him.
He helps him.
He guards him from all his enemies.
He is closer to him than his own soul.
All the good a soul accomplishes,
it carries out under his inspiration,
in his light,
by his grace
and his help
Concepcion Cabrera de Armida
Thursday, February 10, 2011
balloon moment
if you let them go
they might not come back
but what of the string
that ties you to your friend
is it a string that joins
or one that controls
does it chafe
or does it comfort
does it allow you both to soar
or does it require one remain lower
does it bring beautiful truth
or does it cause a shadow
does it bring freedom
or does it chain
there is a lamenting in my spirit this day
about the string ..........
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
words moment
words are alive
filled with color
words are filled with life
or filled with death
can bring hope
or despair
when our words are mistreated
not respected
and properly cared for
there is an abuse that takes place
and because our words are the overflow of our hearts
the abuse is to the heart
I have never before seen this quite so clearly
these words
I post in a public forum
are vulnerable
words sent in an email
words spoken in confidence
words simply spoken in passing
words ..........
each word contains a tiny fragment of who I am
and now the question
do I stop sharing my words
do I listen to the whisper of fear
what do I do with all the words tumbling around inside me
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Luca moment
God brings us to an unfamiliar place
to ask us the question,
"Who do you say that I am?
Sunday, February 06, 2011
dark moment

Ex 20:21
Sometimes, to meet with God, we have to go to the dark places. We have to enter the thick darkness of terrifying circumstances
And sometimes, it just seems that the darkness surrounds us. We didn’t choose it, we didn’t want it, we didn’t see it coming, but here we are, surrounded by the thick darkness of the unknown, the risky, the lonely.. And it feels like we went the wrong way. God isn’t in the darkness, is he? He dwells in the light - right?
God in the dark requires more trust than God in the light. When life gets dark and terrifying we have a choice: walk in the dark, trusting God - or don’t.
Sometimes the darkness isn’t punishment, or accident, or evil. Sometimes the dark is the gift. Sometimes the dark is the opportunity. God awaits us, not only in the light of easy times and happy moments, but also in the thick darkness. And there he invites us to learn to trust him like never before.
God in the dark requires far more trust than God in the light.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
bride moment
to become his bride
so the church is birthed out of Christ
to become His bride
Eve birthed from the opened side of Adam
the church birthed from the pierced side of Christ
Friday, February 04, 2011
people moment
Antony DeMello
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
choosing moment
I choose to fully inhabit my days
to allow my living to open me
to make me less afraid
more accessible
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing
a torch
a promise