Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ending moments

there is something so sad
and lonely
this particular season

having already realized
as we are no longer in town on weekends
it is no longer possible
to have our Sunday 'round the table gatherings

that has ended

the seven year season in our church fellowship
has come to an end

and then last evening
as our house group met here
we discussed
which Monday night would be our last
for the season

and my heart cries
why all the endings???

this is spring
a season of beginnings
of new life

why is everything ending?

and I can only live in the hope
that seeds are simply going dormant
to bloom again in October

perhaps I will experience my spring
in the fall

on my knees
this early morning
I listen and watch
for the One who has promised to be with me
through this particular fog

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