Wednesday, May 03, 2006

friends moment

sometimes sorrow overwhelms us and it is hard to find joy
life seems a cup
filled to the brim
with loneliness and disappointments
and this is when our friends remind us
that crushed grapes can produce tasty wine

gifts from God
sign posts on our journey towards His unlimited and unconditional love

friendships create a beautiful tapestry of love
and I am deeply blessed to be warmed and sheltered within a circle of friends

we gardened together yesterday

dug weeds
and planted seeds

both in the garden behind my friend's home
and in the garden of one another's hearts

we sat on the rocks
and sang to our God

we laughed
we cried

there were hugs
and there were challenges

the love we have for one another
wove even tighter
so tight
at times
it is hard to see where one strand ends
and another begins
in this tapestry
of friendship


Hogie said...

Thank you! Thanks you for sharing this snapshot of your journey's progress. Very nice!

Andrea said...

thanks Dale both for stopping by and for your encouragement ...