Friday, May 26, 2006

washing moments

some moments of yesterday afternoon
were spent in a palliative care centre

this is a wonderful place
operated and managed by a family of Sisters

I sought permission
to visit and simply wash the feet
of the ones who had no visitors

realizing this would be somewhat of an unusual request
there was no surprise
when the supervisor
in turn sought permission from her superior

very quickly
a lovely gentle twinkling eyed woman
asked me into her office

we talked
I shared what the Lord had put on my heart
and her only request was
that she be allowed to hold the basin for me

I quietly suggested she have her own basin
and her own towel

and so we entered the ward together

at each bedside
permission was requested
from those who understood
or from family members present

and for a few hours
fifty one pairs of feet
were held
and washed

and no one refused
and even those not truly understanding
seemed to somehow know
and find peace in being touched

it would have taken more basins than we had
to hold all the tears that came unbidden
from many eyes

such a deep deep privilege
to wash these feet
as they travel a path
that is bringing them
so near the Master

and afterwards
my newest friend and I
went together to the chapel
and knelt together
soaked with our own tears

holding hands
we gave thanks
for receiving such a blessing
this day

and my cup is very very full

1 comment:

myrrha said...

Dear Andrea; today is the first day I've read your blog... as I scrolled down the poems and read them, such emotions welled up in me that by the time I read this one I had to grab the Kleenex box.
I don't know you. But I wish I did.
Deep Peace to you from your sister;