as snow falls
during this deepening of winter
I yet linger
near a manger
with the simple heart of a child
and aging bent knees of surrender
in adoring awe
to gaze upon the face
of God
I wonder at this God
who would so risk
entrusting himself
to the care of man
wanting to go and tell
yet unable to move
I am captivated by this heart
beating in a tiny naked chest
and can only burrow deeper
and deeper
into these silent moments
between mystery
and revelation
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
lily moment
snow and ice
hold the earth imprisoned
somewhere it seems
a lily is shedding its perfume
how strange
for it is winter
and lilies
do not bloom
in the snow
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday moment
there is a constant yearning within me
to seek the hidden places of my world
to find a place where I am really alone with God
where my human horizons are somewhat limited
so my spiritual horizons might grow without distractions
a place where I am there
not for myself
but for others
a place where closing the wings of my intellect
opens the door of my heart
the silence strips me
the Lord of this silence also strips me
I come because I am tired
and desire only to rest on the breast of my Beloved
for to touch God
I must touch humanity
and there has been much human touching this season
the silent stillness comes to greet me
and lead me further into advent
to the expected one
the child in the cave
the child who is God
there is a stillness
holy stillness in these moments
and I
I am cocooned within this cradle of stillness
into which the Word
who came from heaven
comes to rest
the stiller the water
the more perfect the reflection
to seek the hidden places of my world
to find a place where I am really alone with God
where my human horizons are somewhat limited
so my spiritual horizons might grow without distractions
a place where I am there
not for myself
but for others
a place where closing the wings of my intellect
opens the door of my heart
the silence strips me
the Lord of this silence also strips me
I come because I am tired
and desire only to rest on the breast of my Beloved
for to touch God
I must touch humanity
and there has been much human touching this season
the silent stillness comes to greet me
and lead me further into advent
to the expected one
the child in the cave
the child who is God
there is a stillness
holy stillness in these moments
and I
I am cocooned within this cradle of stillness
into which the Word
who came from heaven
comes to rest
the stiller the water
the more perfect the reflection
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
advent moment
God's astounding
and radical intervention
in our human history
cannot be contained in the tame
and timid
displays of Christmas lights
catchy slogans
or the exchange of gifts
advent confronts us once again
with God’s unparalleled effort
to communicate the message
that all humankind is embraced
and held close
by a God of love
Jesus Christ has come
is present with us
and will come again
in final victory
when all darkness
and evil will be no more
and radical intervention
in our human history
cannot be contained in the tame
and timid
displays of Christmas lights
catchy slogans
or the exchange of gifts
advent confronts us once again
with God’s unparalleled effort
to communicate the message
that all humankind is embraced
and held close
by a God of love
Jesus Christ has come
is present with us
and will come again
in final victory
when all darkness
and evil will be no more
Monday, December 17, 2007
hug moment
offer hugs
to those who look as though they need them
even more important
listen to their stories
Thursday, December 13, 2007
explaining moments
it is in the wondrous
silence of God
I come to know who God is
where I learn of God Himself
through God Himself
for me
I must continuously find a place
where I can enter into this silence of God
and meet His Word
in that silence
where I can wait for that revelation
and not rush
or force
or tear at the hem of His mystery
where I wait for God
to explain
whatever it is
He wants to explain
silence of God
I come to know who God is
where I learn of God Himself
through God Himself
for me
I must continuously find a place
where I can enter into this silence of God
and meet His Word
in that silence
where I can wait for that revelation
and not rush
or force
or tear at the hem of His mystery
where I wait for God
to explain
whatever it is
He wants to explain
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
answer moment
I have been asked what God is doing in heaven.
I answer;
He has been giving his Son birth eternally,
is giving him birth now
will go on giving him birth forever.
will go on giving him birth forever.
The Father
being in labor,
as a woman
giving birth to a child,
in every virtuous soul. -
Meister Eckhart
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
truth moment
the wolf
will live with the lamb
the panther
lie down with the kid
fat-stock beast together
with a little boy to lead them
the cow and the bear will graze
their young will lie down together
the lion will eat hay like the ox
the infant will play over the den of the adder
the baby will put his hand into the viper's lair
no hurt
no harm will be done
on all my holy mountain
for the country will be full of knowledge of Yahweh
as the waters cover the sea
Isaiah 11:6-9
Monday, December 10, 2007
faithful moment
a good man is not a perfect man
a good man is an honest man
faithful and unhesitatingly responsive
to the voice of God in his life
John Fisher
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Saturday moment
conviction of sin
is the threshold
of an understanding of God
it is through panging pains of repentance
crashing into man's respectable goodness
the door opens into the Kingdom
the Holy Spirit
producer of these agonies
begins the formation of the Son of God in the life
dare we pray for the gift of tears
is the threshold
of an understanding of God
it is through panging pains of repentance
crashing into man's respectable goodness
the door opens into the Kingdom
the Holy Spirit
producer of these agonies
begins the formation of the Son of God in the life
dare we pray for the gift of tears
Friday, December 07, 2007
Bethlehem moments
God of December darkness
and Christmas light
deepen my longing
heighten my expectation
make pregnant my hope
I know that within my heart is a Bethlehem
a place where light shines
with tender memories
a place where angelic voices sing
loud and clear
a place of wonder and awe
delight and calm
God of December darkness
and Christmas light
journey with me during these days
so that I may know
and prize
my Bethlehem moments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
family moment
was spent with my brothers
has been spent with my sisters
family is a wonder
being a part
of a whole
there are no words really
just a knowing
of belonging
of loving
and being loved
no competition
simple acceptance
Thursday moment
I went for a walk very early this morning
silence and stillness enveloped all
winter solitude
in a world of one color
winter solitude
in a world of one color
only the sound of wind
in my ears
in my heart
I am in love
with this Wind
of the sound
Sunday, December 02, 2007
foot washing moment
the basin
filled with the water of His willingness
to suffer
for us
whose feet are dirty
this same water
in the basin
is available for us to use for one another
to offer to another who has been exposed in a weakness
or who has offended us personally
too often we sling mud
rather than humbling ourselves
with the girding of a towel
Saturday, December 01, 2007
prayer moment
prayer is not words
moments of feeling holy
prayer is the moaning of all that is unanswered
unfinished in us
prayer is the ache
of the unbreathed breath
Friday, November 30, 2007
battle moments
for a soul
for a life
for a family
for three girls
our weapon is worship
our strategy is a pillar of fire
our commander is all powerful
our armor is in place
the troops are rallied
the kneeling army in place
shoulder to shoulder we stand
and in the midst of the battle
we will find rest
at His feet
for a soul
for a life
for a family
for three girls
our weapon is worship
our strategy is a pillar of fire
our commander is all powerful
our armor is in place
the troops are rallied
the kneeling army in place
shoulder to shoulder we stand
and in the midst of the battle
we will find rest
at His feet
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
careful moment
if you pray for humility
be careful
humility is learned
Russian proverb
Friday, November 23, 2007
hand moment
all of us are like the prodigal son
needing more desperately than anything else
the strong and gentle embrace of the hands of God
we must be those hands for each other
not someday
but today. …
let us be gentle with each other
let us touch each other
let us touch even those
who seem in some superficial way to be different
for we are all of us sons and daughters of God
when we invite Jesus into our heart
His response might be that
He wishes to bring all those we consider unlovely
with Him
needing more desperately than anything else
the strong and gentle embrace of the hands of God
we must be those hands for each other
not someday
but today. …
let us be gentle with each other
let us touch each other
let us touch even those
who seem in some superficial way to be different
for we are all of us sons and daughters of God
when we invite Jesus into our heart
His response might be that
He wishes to bring all those we consider unlovely
with Him
Thursday, November 22, 2007
ministry moment
ministry is a cup
that cannot be sipped
this cup has to be emptied
right to the very bottom
the fizz
the surface
the first sip
is one thing
but the entire cup
including the dregs
is something else entirely
I stood alongside my brother
as he drank the entire cup
right to the bottom
the cup was his to drink
standing alongside was my choice
it was drunk well
drop by drop
there was a weight to this drinking
that caused a bending over
a weeping in the spirit
deep longtime friendship was in this cup
the mantle of authority accepted
and worn well
shoulders drooped in sadness
even so
the mantle was worn well
I will never forget
this moment of drinking
the cup
the cup
offered by a pierced hand
and accepted
by one who walks
with a limp
that cannot be sipped
this cup has to be emptied
right to the very bottom
the fizz
the surface
the first sip
is one thing
but the entire cup
including the dregs
is something else entirely
I stood alongside my brother
as he drank the entire cup
right to the bottom
the cup was his to drink
standing alongside was my choice
it was drunk well
drop by drop
there was a weight to this drinking
that caused a bending over
a weeping in the spirit
deep longtime friendship was in this cup
the mantle of authority accepted
and worn well
shoulders drooped in sadness
even so
the mantle was worn well
I will never forget
this moment of drinking
the cup
the cup
offered by a pierced hand
and accepted
by one who walks
with a limp
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
parting moment
last evening there was a dinner
a surprise dinner
for a most amazing couple
this husband and wife
stepped away from their lives in England
stepped away from their home
their children
and their ministry
to serve in a foreign land
they came to Canada
for three months
which became six months
which then became ten and a half months
I met them the day of their arrival
in the snow
and the cold
and we instantly fell in love with one another
they had their first walk on a frozen lake
and discovered they loved walking on water
we slid together
on our backsides
down the long hill
that leads to the house
we have shared many laughs
some tears
lots of firsts
tons of hugs
I have learned so much
I have grown so much
my life has been deeply enriched
and my heart greatly enlarged
by this beautiful couple
and last evening
we had our final dinner together
our final hugs
our final laughs
and some tears
right now
they are airborne
flying back across the pond
to their family
to say I will miss them is a huge understatement
to say I will be forever grateful for knowing them
doesn't even scratch the surface
to say I am looking forward to seeing them again
is wonder-filled
they have been
and will continue to be
a gift
not only to me
but to everyone who meets them
au revoir Ginny and Martin
safe trip
thank you for all the kingdom seeds
you have planted in this land
see you soon
a surprise dinner
for a most amazing couple
this husband and wife
stepped away from their lives in England
stepped away from their home
their children
and their ministry
to serve in a foreign land
they came to Canada
for three months
which became six months
which then became ten and a half months
I met them the day of their arrival
in the snow
and the cold
and we instantly fell in love with one another
they had their first walk on a frozen lake
and discovered they loved walking on water
we slid together
on our backsides
down the long hill
that leads to the house
we have shared many laughs
some tears
lots of firsts
tons of hugs
I have learned so much
I have grown so much
my life has been deeply enriched
and my heart greatly enlarged
by this beautiful couple
and last evening
we had our final dinner together
our final hugs
our final laughs
and some tears
right now
they are airborne
flying back across the pond
to their family
to say I will miss them is a huge understatement
to say I will be forever grateful for knowing them
doesn't even scratch the surface
to say I am looking forward to seeing them again
is wonder-filled
they have been
and will continue to be
a gift
not only to me
but to everyone who meets them
au revoir Ginny and Martin
safe trip
thank you for all the kingdom seeds
you have planted in this land
see you soon
Monday, November 19, 2007
yesterday moments
my table was full again
and it was very very wonderful!
laden with food
rimmed with bodies
every dish
every cup
every glass
all filled and refilled
we gathered shortly after noon
and parted shortly before midnight .......
it was soooooooooo good
some serious talk
some tears
meeting one another
in the midst of communion
meeting God in one another
in the midst of communion
we had church
we were the church
we are the church
my table was full again
and it was very very wonderful!
laden with food
rimmed with bodies
every dish
every cup
every glass
all filled and refilled
we gathered shortly after noon
and parted shortly before midnight .......
it was soooooooooo good
some serious talk
some tears
meeting one another
in the midst of communion
meeting God in one another
in the midst of communion
we had church
we were the church
we are the church
Thursday, November 15, 2007
coming down moment
my tree is coming down
as I type this
a humungous truck
orange hard hatted men
flashing lights
the quiet of the morning
filled with raw sounds
it is as if a friend has died
and is being taken away
for 30 years
this tree has sheltered my front window
and robins
and cardinals
and nuthatches
and chickadees
and squirrels
and within moments
it will be no more
down to the ground
roots pulled
as if it never was
too much coming down in my life
too fast
as I type this
a humungous truck
orange hard hatted men
flashing lights
the quiet of the morning
filled with raw sounds
it is as if a friend has died
and is being taken away
for 30 years
this tree has sheltered my front window
and robins
and cardinals
and nuthatches
and chickadees
and squirrels
and within moments
it will be no more
down to the ground
roots pulled
as if it never was
too much coming down in my life
too fast
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
solitary silent moments
a place where we are freed from the victimizing compulsions of the world
a place of great struggle and great encounter
solitude does not mean privacy
but a quality of the heart that cannot be disturbed
by the needs of others
an infinite space into which anyone can be invited
silence makes solitude a reality
words should be born out of silence
and lead deeper into silence
the Word of God
born out of the eternal silence of God
the Word of God does not break the silence of God
but rather unfolds the immeasurable richness of His silence
silence teaches us to speak
much can be said
without much being spoken
a place where we are freed from the victimizing compulsions of the world
a place of great struggle and great encounter
solitude does not mean privacy
but a quality of the heart that cannot be disturbed
by the needs of others
an infinite space into which anyone can be invited
silence makes solitude a reality
words should be born out of silence
and lead deeper into silence
the Word of God
born out of the eternal silence of God
the Word of God does not break the silence of God
but rather unfolds the immeasurable richness of His silence
silence teaches us to speak
much can be said
without much being spoken
remembering moments
November 13th
would have been my mom's birthday
as we gathered 'round the table
of bread and wine
with our friends last evening
it was good
very good
to speak of her
give thanks
and share her last moments
whom the Lord sets free
is free indeed
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
acceptance moment
take now thy son
Genesis 22:2
Genesis 22:2
not presently
the sacrifice is worked through in will
before it is actually performed
Abraham did not choose the sacrifice
God chose the cup for Abraham
Abraham accepted
and moved forward in his acceptance
it is in the drinking of the cup
we learn to know God better
Monday, November 12, 2007
authentic moment
“I like stinky old people who have nothing.
Simple lives.
People with nothing to prove.
People who are not complicated.
They are authentic.
That is a great word: ‘authentic.’
Whatever it means."
Ethan Hubbard
Friday, November 09, 2007
bruised and smoldering moments
a bruised reed has a certain numbness
numb and hurting in their spirit
desperate in their loneliness and rejection
reeds grow on the river bank
it is a delicate task hollowing them out
to make a musical pipe
our hands
often clumsy
we easily bruise the reed in the process
when bruised
it is considered useless for making music
and is thrown away
God delights in taking these bruised reeds
and making them into fine tuned instruments
for his orchestra
the song of God among men
was a bruised reed
a wick floating in oil
gives light
if the oil runs out
the stench of the burning wick is obnoxious
and one is quick to throw it away
Jesus takes the smoking remnant of a life
and makes it into the light of the world
he will not extinguish
a burning wick
there are some who sit on the edge of life's craters
and inhale the sulphur of defeat
and sin
it is a bruised reed
that plays the strongest song of grace
it is a bruised reed that will be fitted
to minister grace to the lonely and wounded
giving them the grace
deeply received from God
those who have been wounded
make the best healers
many times the broken reed
we throw into the river as useless
is the very instrument God uses
to bring his grace to us
in the moment of our need
the fact is
God lives in my wounded brother
so many bruised reeds have experienced
their friends falling asleep
when they needed them
to just be there
it is not necessary to give answers
simply stay close
and pray
Ezekial had no answers
but he was willing to sit
with the captives
in their despair
for a week
with his mouth shut
this afternoon
with no answers
and my mouth shut
I sat
on the edge of the crater
with a bruised reed
a smoldering wick
I can only pray
there will be one
who will stay awake with me
should I be bruised
and left smoldering
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
sabbath moment
for everything there is a season
sometimes on the Sabbath
all you can do
is settle into the soft body of yourself
and listen to what it says
listen to the exhaustion
that is deeper than tiredness
the hunger
that is for more than food
the thirst
that is for more than drink
the longing for comfort
that is more than physical
on the Sabbath
body and soul reach out for time of a different sort
time that is full of space rather than activity
time to watch the burning bush in your own back yard
the movement of the wind among bare branches
the last leaf that clings to the branch
before its final letting go
letting go is hard
letting go of that which no longer works
that which no longer brings joy and meaning
that which is no longer full of life
it seems cruel
that something that used to be so beautiful
should fall to the ground
sinking into the earthy mud
along with everything else that is dying
no longer recognizable for what it used to be
it seems cruel
but it is the way of things
one generation gives its life
for the next
one season slips away
so another can come
one crop of fruit falls from the tree
so that more can be borne
one wave recedes
while another gathers strength
to crash upon the shore
it seems cruel
but it is the rhythm of things
and rhythm has its own beauty
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
arise moment
most of us fall
and collapse
at the first
grip of pain
grip of pain
we sit down on the threshold of God's purpose
and die away of self-pity
and all so called Christian sympathy
will aid us to our death bed
but God will not
He comes
with the grip of the
pierced hand of His Son
pierced hand of His Son
and says
enter into fellowship with Me
arise and shine
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
how moment
how did it happen
that an academic gown
is the official garb of ministers
that one of the main criteria
for admission to the pulpit
is a
university degree
stone moments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
wondering moment
although absolutely ecstatic about the 4000
who gathered last night
to pray and worship
the One True God
it has left me wondering
why double that number
are expected today
to listen to a counterfeit
when will we wake up
and when we do
will it be too late
Saturday, October 27, 2007
nugget moments
while attending a teaching seminar
over the last few days
there have been some gems
some pearls
dropped at our feet
in the quiet of the land
there are watchers
those who wait
the Eternal One had a new beginning
at the time of incarnation
Jesus comes
not pointing a finger
but with nail pierced hands
too often
we hide
behind the stuff of our lives
we are baptized in the tears of obscurity
an encounter with God in obscurity
changes the way you walk
leaving one with a limp
the wilderness is our place of transition -
when all that is familiar is behind you
and all that is before you is unknown
Jesus makes an entrance in the storms of our life
listen for the voice of humility
in the time of choice
we often go after our own cravings .............
over the last few days
there have been some gems
some pearls
dropped at our feet
in the quiet of the land
there are watchers
those who wait
the Eternal One had a new beginning
at the time of incarnation
Jesus comes
not pointing a finger
but with nail pierced hands
too often
we hide
behind the stuff of our lives
we are baptized in the tears of obscurity
an encounter with God in obscurity
changes the way you walk
leaving one with a limp
the wilderness is our place of transition -
when all that is familiar is behind you
and all that is before you is unknown
Jesus makes an entrance in the storms of our life
listen for the voice of humility
in the time of choice
we often go after our own cravings .............
Friday, October 26, 2007
holding moment

John Gebhardt in Iraq
This little girl's entire family was executed.
The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also
and shot her in the head...
but they failed to kill her.
She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up,
but continues to cry and moan.
The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down,
so John has spent the last four nights holding her
while they both slept in that chair.
The girl is coming along with her healing.
We cannot control the Wind but we can adjust our sails.
ministry moments
the stuff of ministry is
sometimes hard
sometimes lonely
sometimes earth shattering
sometimes filled with wondering
sometimes absolutely glorious
as was yesterday
a room filled to overflowing with shepherds
standing shoulder to shoulder
heads lifted
eyes focused beyond the hills
on the Creator of the hills
worshiping together
one heart
one voice
one God
and then
kneeling at one another's feet
sometimes weeping
sometimes laughing
sometimes silent
sometimes loud
and giving thanks
for one another
moments like this
hugely soften the hard times
sometimes hard
sometimes lonely
sometimes earth shattering
sometimes filled with wondering
sometimes absolutely glorious
as was yesterday
a room filled to overflowing with shepherds
standing shoulder to shoulder
heads lifted
eyes focused beyond the hills
on the Creator of the hills
worshiping together
one heart
one voice
one God
and then
kneeling at one another's feet
sometimes weeping
sometimes laughing
sometimes silent
sometimes loud
and giving thanks
for one another
moments like this
hugely soften the hard times
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
title moments

there is a huge sadness in me
when seeing
those who would seek position
seek being noticed
seek a title
the hole inside their heart
must be so big
their loneliness
so huge
when never discovering
their true identity
the effort it must take
to continually climb
and never rest
in contentment
I was struck
the other day
by the colors of the opposite shore
the blending
the distinction
one brilliant red tree
standing alone
is amazing
but when standing
shoulder to shoulder
with the greens
and all that is inbetween
perfection is seen
within the body of Christ
there is so much striving
to stand out
to shove aside the other colors
a huge scrabbling of stones
eventually causing the whole house to tumble
mercy moment
there is this deep yearning
to be so fully aware
of God's great mercy
that life itself becomes a ministry
where there is hardly any difference
between doing and being
Sunday, October 21, 2007
overflowing moments
this is one of those weeks
when every bed in the house is full
three blow up beds full
a body on each couch
the table groans under the weight of the food
chairs snuggled tight together so no one is ever left out
laughter floating everywhere
and at times not so quiet,
I am missing the piano
but grateful for the fingers
that strum the guitars
constant gurgling of the coffee pot
and whistling of the kettle
it seems someone is cooking something all the time
there is so much love in every room
every corner
so many hugs
even tears have a deep sweet fragrance
all the little noises
in the quiet of the night
life is very beautiful
and so much more so when lived in midst of people
who love each other
I am deeply blessed by these moments
when every bed in the house is full
three blow up beds full
a body on each couch
the table groans under the weight of the food
chairs snuggled tight together so no one is ever left out
laughter floating everywhere
and at times not so quiet,
I am missing the piano
but grateful for the fingers
that strum the guitars
constant gurgling of the coffee pot
and whistling of the kettle
it seems someone is cooking something all the time
there is so much love in every room
every corner
so many hugs
even tears have a deep sweet fragrance
all the little noises
in the quiet of the night
life is very beautiful
and so much more so when lived in midst of people
who love each other
I am deeply blessed by these moments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
asking moment
are you willing
to step outside of your day
away from your disappointments
your fears
your dashed hopes
are you willing
to come up here
and see things with Me
are you willing
to step away from all that is easy
all that is familiar
all that brings comfort
are you willing
to step aside from who man has said you are
from your giftings
from where you have been
are you willing
to come higher
and see what I see
are you willing
to lay down all that has been given you
to exit places you have entered
to be hidden in new places
are you willing
to climb to the top
and step out with nothing underneath
but My arms
are you willing
to have all your props removed
and only My promises to hold you up
are you willing
to step out from under the robes of deferred hope
that have become so familiar
and easy to wear
are you willing
to soar
to run and not grow weary
are you willing
to dream My dreams
to sing My songs
to let go of everything
but My hand
are you willing
for me to untie
the laces of your boots
that have become so heavy
are you willing
to remove the clothes of man
and wear the robe I have for you
are you willing
to open your hand
and release it all
are you willing
to die
in order to live
are you willing
to not even consider the cost
as you let go
one by one
as your hands open
as you climb the ladder of praise
with your feet on the rungs of worship
step by step
speaking My Name
are you willing
to discover
to step outside of your day
away from your disappointments
your fears
your dashed hopes
are you willing
to come up here
and see things with Me
are you willing
to step away from all that is easy
all that is familiar
all that brings comfort
are you willing
to step aside from who man has said you are
from your giftings
from where you have been
are you willing
to come higher
and see what I see
are you willing
to lay down all that has been given you
to exit places you have entered
to be hidden in new places
are you willing
to climb to the top
and step out with nothing underneath
but My arms
are you willing
to have all your props removed
and only My promises to hold you up
are you willing
to step out from under the robes of deferred hope
that have become so familiar
and easy to wear
are you willing
to soar
to run and not grow weary
are you willing
to dream My dreams
to sing My songs
to let go of everything
but My hand
are you willing
for me to untie
the laces of your boots
that have become so heavy
are you willing
to remove the clothes of man
and wear the robe I have for you
are you willing
to open your hand
and release it all
are you willing
to die
in order to live
are you willing
to not even consider the cost
as you let go
one by one
as your hands open
as you climb the ladder of praise
with your feet on the rungs of worship
step by step
speaking My Name
are you willing
to discover
Monday, October 15, 2007
choice moment
we have nothing to offer God
except our choice to be with Him
and that is a choice
that no one but Him
is likely to put any value on
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Enoch moments
thinking of Enoch
walking with God
was it
to get into step with God
and then
to keep pace with Him
that means too that Enoch
must have been easily willing to rest
when God rested
we seem to have lost the art of resting
of even seeking rest
how wide is the stride of God
how fast is the pace of God
how wonderful it must have been
to simply hear the laughter of God
and join in
did they rub shoulders as they walked
did they help one another up steep hills
or to cross a creek
did they ever lack for words
was there immediate understanding of each other
or the need for questions
I have gone on prayer walks
with some who are much much taller, wider, higher, stronger than I am
which, for me, necessitated a half run half walk pace
is this how Enoch kept up with God
I so desire to absolutely learn the rhythm of God
and move/live/rest easily in it
for the remainder of my walking days
walking with God
was it
to get into step with God
and then
to keep pace with Him
that means too that Enoch
must have been easily willing to rest
when God rested
we seem to have lost the art of resting
of even seeking rest
how wide is the stride of God
how fast is the pace of God
how wonderful it must have been
to simply hear the laughter of God
and join in
did they rub shoulders as they walked
did they help one another up steep hills
or to cross a creek
did they ever lack for words
was there immediate understanding of each other
or the need for questions
I have gone on prayer walks
with some who are much much taller, wider, higher, stronger than I am
which, for me, necessitated a half run half walk pace
is this how Enoch kept up with God
I so desire to absolutely learn the rhythm of God
and move/live/rest easily in it
for the remainder of my walking days
Friday, October 12, 2007
hand moment
God asks
what is that in your hand
surely he knows
so why does he ask
could it be to simply draw our attention
to the very thing within our reach
granting an opportunity to lay it at his feet
our ability
our treasured possession
all at his disposal
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
silent moments
I had absolutely no idea so many people
take the time
to read my stumbling words .....
I am sorry I have been silent for a bit
thanks for your calls and mail .......
your care and interest
have helped to reweave the tattered fabric
I am
or rather will be
just traveling a road
of unravelling
one thing I have learned
when you ask God to expose everything
that needs to be exposed
you should also ask Him
for preparation
to deal with all that will be seen
Monday, October 01, 2007
awake moment
our world overflows
our narrow measurements
and begins revealing the dimensions
of our God
we may ignore but we can nowhere evade
the presence of God
the world is crowded with Him
the real labor is to remember to attend
in fact
to come awake
still more
to remain awake
C.S. Lewis
our narrow measurements
and begins revealing the dimensions
of our God
we may ignore but we can nowhere evade
the presence of God
the world is crowded with Him
the real labor is to remember to attend
in fact
to come awake
still more
to remain awake
C.S. Lewis
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
crack moment
I had a vision of a house.
Every time a crack appeared in the wall
I dashed out to repair it as quickly as possible
like most of us do
so that the inside of the house
was protected
and kept safe from the weather
and the storms.
and the Lord said to me
this is what your Christian life is like
whenever any cracks appear in the wall
that has been built up about you
over the years
by the world
and by yourself
you dash out
and fill in the cracks
so that no one is able to see what is inside
But I want the world to be able to see what is inside
I want to be able to come in
through the cracks into your life
and I am not going to fill them up either.
I am going to flow in and out of these cracks.
So when you see the cracks appear in your life
do not rush out and fill them in
Let Me come in.
David Mattches
Every time a crack appeared in the wall
I dashed out to repair it as quickly as possible
like most of us do
so that the inside of the house
was protected
and kept safe from the weather
and the storms.
and the Lord said to me
this is what your Christian life is like
whenever any cracks appear in the wall
that has been built up about you
over the years
by the world
and by yourself
you dash out
and fill in the cracks
so that no one is able to see what is inside
But I want the world to be able to see what is inside
I want to be able to come in
through the cracks into your life
and I am not going to fill them up either.
I am going to flow in and out of these cracks.
So when you see the cracks appear in your life
do not rush out and fill them in
Let Me come in.
David Mattches
Thursday, September 27, 2007
breakfast moments
early this morning
80+ shepherds
ventured out of their individual pastures
to break bread together
worship together
pray together
be together
all these individual houses of prayer
became one house of prayer
inside a house of prayer
the most wonder-filled part
was that no one wore a name tag
and so
no one wore a title
no one dressed in the robes of leader
all wore the shoes of a servant
as the bread was broken
and shared
one with another
hearts opened
the hugs were tight
and genuine
we took a moment
touched one another
80+ shepherds
ventured out of their individual pastures
to break bread together
worship together
pray together
be together
all these individual houses of prayer
became one house of prayer
inside a house of prayer
the most wonder-filled part
was that no one wore a name tag
and so
no one wore a title
no one dressed in the robes of leader
all wore the shoes of a servant
as the bread was broken
and shared
one with another
hearts opened
the hugs were tight
and genuine
we took a moment
touched one another
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
silent moments
only in silence
do the tongueless speak
the wind
only in true silence
do the rocks cry out
and the bread whispers
break me
only the silence
can hear songs
hidden in the dust
and bear the laughter
of the awakening land
do the tongueless speak
the wind
only in true silence
do the rocks cry out
and the bread whispers
break me
only the silence
can hear songs
hidden in the dust
and bear the laughter
of the awakening land
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ark moment
who decided to make a new cart
who is touching the ark
how often in the midst of a circumstance of life
in our nervousness
do we put our hand up
to steady the ark
who is touching the ark
how often in the midst of a circumstance of life
in our nervousness
do we put our hand up
to steady the ark
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
wordless moments
yesterday was .............
it was orchestrated that I would spend some time waiting
in a waiting room
a room designed for waiting
lots of waiting
soft colors on the walls
padded chairs
thick rug
piles of magazines - current ones at that
soft music - Perry Como would you believe!
nearby washrooms
the only thing missing
was a percolating coffee pot ............
this is not a room where you choose to wait
this is a room where you wait
after you have already waited
in other waiting rooms
and so
when looking around at the others who are waiting
there is the stark realization
that we are all somehow in the same boat
and no one seems to have a firm grip on the rudder
we are all sailing round and round
on the winds of emotion
I turned to the beautiful tender lady next to me
and simply asked if she wanted to talk
the floodgates opened
and she only needed to cry
to stop "being strong"
and let it out
while being held
in someone's arms
the night before
I had been called
and asked to visit with a family
during the afternoon
a lovely home
manicured lawns
spectacular gardens
even the doorbell had a charming song
inside though
there was palpable tangible fear
and grief
and guilt
and a lovely pain ridden fifteen year-old girl
her mom
her dad
for several months
this child had been complaining of a sore neck
weeks of visits to the chiropractor
had not provided relief
they went to the family doctor
when it was discovered that cancer
had eaten into the neck bones
after further testing
it was learned
this was a secondary cancer
leaking from the kidney
and then they found more
and more
and the choice was offered
to surgically fuse the neck bones
and hopefully prevent paralysis
massive immediate chemotherapy
and radiation
if the surgery was undertaken
any other treatment
would have to be postponed until healing
of the fusion had taken place
and this might mean weeks and weeks and weeks
of letting the cancer spread even further
and so this dilemma
and most of their friends knew a little at least of what was going on
most of their church community knew
and yet
no one was visiting
simply because no one knew what to say
why do we think we must have answers
and if we have no answers
then we must stay away
I have been on the receiving end
but also have been on the guilty end of this scenario
yesterday afternoon
this broken family and I
sat together
and held hands
no words
no platitudes
no false hope
just touching one another
and then the tears came
and the loneliness was expressed
and we have agreed to stay together
to walk this through together
to cry together
and I am positive
there also will be times of laughing together
of rejoicing with one another
take a moment
touch someone
it was orchestrated that I would spend some time waiting
in a waiting room
a room designed for waiting
lots of waiting
soft colors on the walls
padded chairs
thick rug
piles of magazines - current ones at that
soft music - Perry Como would you believe!
nearby washrooms
the only thing missing
was a percolating coffee pot ............
this is not a room where you choose to wait
this is a room where you wait
after you have already waited
in other waiting rooms
and so
when looking around at the others who are waiting
there is the stark realization
that we are all somehow in the same boat
and no one seems to have a firm grip on the rudder
we are all sailing round and round
on the winds of emotion
I turned to the beautiful tender lady next to me
and simply asked if she wanted to talk
the floodgates opened
and she only needed to cry
to stop "being strong"
and let it out
while being held
in someone's arms
the night before
I had been called
and asked to visit with a family
during the afternoon
a lovely home
manicured lawns
spectacular gardens
even the doorbell had a charming song
inside though
there was palpable tangible fear
and grief
and guilt
and a lovely pain ridden fifteen year-old girl
her mom
her dad
for several months
this child had been complaining of a sore neck
weeks of visits to the chiropractor
had not provided relief
they went to the family doctor
when it was discovered that cancer
had eaten into the neck bones
after further testing
it was learned
this was a secondary cancer
leaking from the kidney
and then they found more
and more
and the choice was offered
to surgically fuse the neck bones
and hopefully prevent paralysis
massive immediate chemotherapy
and radiation
if the surgery was undertaken
any other treatment
would have to be postponed until healing
of the fusion had taken place
and this might mean weeks and weeks and weeks
of letting the cancer spread even further
and so this dilemma
and most of their friends knew a little at least of what was going on
most of their church community knew
and yet
no one was visiting
simply because no one knew what to say
why do we think we must have answers
and if we have no answers
then we must stay away
I have been on the receiving end
but also have been on the guilty end of this scenario
yesterday afternoon
this broken family and I
sat together
and held hands
no words
no platitudes
no false hope
just touching one another
and then the tears came
and the loneliness was expressed
and we have agreed to stay together
to walk this through together
to cry together
and I am positive
there also will be times of laughing together
of rejoicing with one another
take a moment
touch someone
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday moment
while preparing for an appointment this morning
praying my constant prayer
help me
I am struck
by the fact
that Jesus stepped out of his glory
to wrap himself
in my clay
praying my constant prayer
help me
I am struck
by the fact
that Jesus stepped out of his glory
to wrap himself
in my clay
Friday, September 14, 2007
remembering moment
a wonderful woman died early this morning
she was my friend
she remains my friend
she was and remains a friend to many
her best Friend called her home early today
she simply left the arms of her husband
and entered the arms of the One who called
she was quiet
loved to laugh
tenderly strong
an overcomer
a worshiper
and lover
of her Lord
I will miss her deeply
I already miss her
many others will also miss her
in her own gentle way
she gave strength to many
we all are richer for knowing her
her life counted
she lived well
she died well
but there is a hole of lonely sadness in me
no more hugs
no more laughing together until we fall down
no more raising eyebrows at each other across the room
she was a beautiful gift
here for a moment
there for eternity
she was a good woman
and while mourning
I celebrate her life
she was my friend
she remains my friend
she was and remains a friend to many
her best Friend called her home early today
she simply left the arms of her husband
and entered the arms of the One who called
she was quiet
loved to laugh
tenderly strong
an overcomer
a worshiper
and lover
of her Lord
I will miss her deeply
I already miss her
many others will also miss her
in her own gentle way
she gave strength to many
we all are richer for knowing her
her life counted
she lived well
she died well
but there is a hole of lonely sadness in me
no more hugs
no more laughing together until we fall down
no more raising eyebrows at each other across the room
she was a beautiful gift
here for a moment
there for eternity
she was a good woman
and while mourning
I celebrate her life
Thursday, September 13, 2007
identifying moment
too often
there is a moment
when we come to identify
with the clothes
used to cover
our nakedness
there is a moment
when we come to identify
with the clothes
used to cover
our nakedness
Thursday, September 06, 2007
withdrawing moments
many times
Jesus withdrew from the crowds
so they would not be able to
force their agenda upon Him
how often
I wonder
does He withdraw Himself
from our churches today
for the very same reason
Jesus withdrew from the crowds
so they would not be able to
force their agenda upon Him
how often
I wonder
does He withdraw Himself
from our churches today
for the very same reason
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
peace moment
this has been a stunning weekend .......
this ending of August
and beginning of September
one by one
motors stopped
boats disappeared
one by one
docks were pulled out of the water
like raising drawbridges
that enabled man to invade the water
one by one
cars were heard exiting
crushing dry leaves
that littered the road
as man left
ducks and loons returned
the water stilled
the air was thick with peace
during the night
hoots of the owls
competed with calls of the coyotes
and the whippoorwills
dawn brought the thirsting deer
back to the water's edge
turkeys trotting across the road
and through the fields
mink swimming unimpeded
conscious of the deepness of the quiet
this morning
while slipping the kayak into the lake
paddling along its edges
it was wonderful
to see the bare face of the shore again
only rarely was there smoke
rising from a chimney
my favorite time of year
swimsuits during the day
flannelet and wool socks at night
and the peace
the peace
the peace
in a few days
six of us
all women
will be spending four whole days
mostly in silence
in this silence
we have agreed
to only speak
between 7 and 10 each evening
while serving one another communion
and sharing a meal together
six women
will it be possible
I think so .............
this ending of August
and beginning of September
one by one
motors stopped
boats disappeared
one by one
docks were pulled out of the water
like raising drawbridges
that enabled man to invade the water
one by one
cars were heard exiting
crushing dry leaves
that littered the road
as man left
ducks and loons returned
the water stilled
the air was thick with peace
during the night
hoots of the owls
competed with calls of the coyotes
and the whippoorwills
dawn brought the thirsting deer
back to the water's edge
turkeys trotting across the road
and through the fields
mink swimming unimpeded
conscious of the deepness of the quiet
this morning
while slipping the kayak into the lake
paddling along its edges
it was wonderful
to see the bare face of the shore again
only rarely was there smoke
rising from a chimney
my favorite time of year
swimsuits during the day
flannelet and wool socks at night
and the peace
the peace
the peace
in a few days
six of us
all women
will be spending four whole days
mostly in silence
in this silence
we have agreed
to only speak
between 7 and 10 each evening
while serving one another communion
and sharing a meal together
six women
will it be possible
I think so .............
Friday, August 31, 2007
alignment moment
the key to unity isn't in one another –
it's in our relationship with Him
the degree to which we will walk in unity
as a body of Christ
is the degree to which we will first recognize
the Headship
and Lordship
of Jesus Christ
and come into alignment with Him
David Demian
it's in our relationship with Him
the degree to which we will walk in unity
as a body of Christ
is the degree to which we will first recognize
the Headship
and Lordship
of Jesus Christ
and come into alignment with Him
David Demian
Thursday, August 30, 2007
garden moment
last year
a friend gave me a stunning plant
for the garden
beautiful colors
amazing fragrance
strong stem
easy multiplication
was sure to pop up every summer
it looked and seemed happy
last summer
while sturdily blooming
I waited and waited this season
for it to poke its head through the soil
but there was just an empty spot
in the garden
then last week
a little late
seedlings appeared
many of them
fat and healthy
the challenge is
they have appeared
in the grass
not the garden
and are in constant danger
of being mowed down
if I attempt to dig up and transplant
there is a strong chance
roots would be damaged
and perhaps the seedling killed
what to do?
I had a friend given to me
a few years ago
this friend had an amazing aroma
was very beautiful
and brought everyone much joy
after a season or two
this friend pulled up roots
and went into the ground
leaving an empty space
in the garden of my heart
only lately has there been
the hesitant
now and again
of a slow emerging
the challenge here too
is that the emerging is taking place
in an unsafe spot
in impure soil
I am concerned about the soil
the intermingling of roots
which determines the strength of the stem
the brilliance of the flower
and the health of any fruit
what to do?
a friend gave me a stunning plant
for the garden
beautiful colors
amazing fragrance
strong stem
easy multiplication
was sure to pop up every summer
it looked and seemed happy
last summer
while sturdily blooming
I waited and waited this season
for it to poke its head through the soil
but there was just an empty spot
in the garden
then last week
a little late
seedlings appeared
many of them
fat and healthy
the challenge is
they have appeared
in the grass
not the garden
and are in constant danger
of being mowed down
if I attempt to dig up and transplant
there is a strong chance
roots would be damaged
and perhaps the seedling killed
what to do?
I had a friend given to me
a few years ago
this friend had an amazing aroma
was very beautiful
and brought everyone much joy
after a season or two
this friend pulled up roots
and went into the ground
leaving an empty space
in the garden of my heart
only lately has there been
the hesitant
now and again
of a slow emerging
the challenge here too
is that the emerging is taking place
in an unsafe spot
in impure soil
I am concerned about the soil
the intermingling of roots
which determines the strength of the stem
the brilliance of the flower
and the health of any fruit
what to do?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
unity moment
What is the key to corporate unity?
I believe it’s when we realize
that true unity is not found in collective human strength
or giftedness
but from collective death
and humility
and brokenness
that brings us into a place of submission
to the Lord
and to one another.
David Demian
I believe it’s when we realize
that true unity is not found in collective human strength
or giftedness
but from collective death
and humility
and brokenness
that brings us into a place of submission
to the Lord
and to one another.
David Demian
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
poustinia moment

I introduced my three and a half year old grandson to the poustinia last week -
when he caught his first glimpse through the trees he became very very quiet -
instinctively taking off his sandals at the door, he slipped inside to sit on the cot-
he remained absolutely quiet and still
after some time I asked him what he was thinking .........
his response was
shhhhhhhhh I like the singing
I have never heard the singing .......
but his little ears and heart were filled with it
Sunday, August 26, 2007
sunday moment
as I was leaving church this morning
after a tender wonder-filled service
my beautiful pastor pulled me aside
and asked
at what point
does faith
become fiction .............
I remain arrested by those words
and their wondering
after a tender wonder-filled service
my beautiful pastor pulled me aside
and asked
at what point
does faith
become fiction .............
I remain arrested by those words
and their wondering
Friday, August 24, 2007
friend moment
there is something a little sadly weird going on
emails fly back and forth between "friends"
who have the choice to respond
or not
if a "friend" was sitting across the table and asked a question
we would respond
or at least acknowledge the question
so why is it
when a question comes via email
we feel we have the right not to respond
or even acknowledge
and now facebook
what exactly does "friend" mean
I get requests from people I have never met
to accept them as "friend" - what is that all about
they know nothing about me
I know nothing about them
and yet
they ask to be a "friend"
why are so many only comfortable
having a relationship
with the distance of the internet between
have we lost the desire to touch
to see
to hear
to wipe the tears from another's cheek
to offer a shoulder
to simply silently be with another
in good times
and not so good times
what happened to the hug
to looking in one another's eyes
if the eyes are the window of the soul
is there a log in the way
so we try to hide from one another
and stay hidden
in the ether of the internet
I admit
I love to touch
and be touched
but the impersonalization
of this whole phenomenon
saddens me
something very valuable
and rich
is disappearing from our lives
and we are less whole in its loss
take a moment
touch someone
emails fly back and forth between "friends"
who have the choice to respond
or not
if a "friend" was sitting across the table and asked a question
we would respond
or at least acknowledge the question
so why is it
when a question comes via email
we feel we have the right not to respond
or even acknowledge
and now facebook
what exactly does "friend" mean
I get requests from people I have never met
to accept them as "friend" - what is that all about
they know nothing about me
I know nothing about them
and yet
they ask to be a "friend"
why are so many only comfortable
having a relationship
with the distance of the internet between
have we lost the desire to touch
to see
to hear
to wipe the tears from another's cheek
to offer a shoulder
to simply silently be with another
in good times
and not so good times
what happened to the hug
to looking in one another's eyes
if the eyes are the window of the soul
is there a log in the way
so we try to hide from one another
and stay hidden
in the ether of the internet
I admit
I love to touch
and be touched
but the impersonalization
of this whole phenomenon
saddens me
something very valuable
and rich
is disappearing from our lives
and we are less whole in its loss
take a moment
touch someone
Thursday, August 23, 2007
in stone moment
a church in Shiraz, Iran
has the following words
carved in stone
above its door
where Jesus lives the great-hearted gather
we are a door that's never locked
if you are suffering any kind of pain
stay near this door
open it
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
islamic philosopher and poet
has the following words
carved in stone
above its door
where Jesus lives the great-hearted gather
we are a door that's never locked
if you are suffering any kind of pain
stay near this door
open it
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
islamic philosopher and poet
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
son moment
there was a season
when fathers trained their sons
in the family business
by letting them watch
and participate
in what they were doing
the father initiated
and the sons followed
children were not called sons
until they could do what the father was doing
children had not yet learned
to work under the father's authority
we become sons and daughters
by obedient responses to the father's voice
sonship implies a level of maturity
that has learned to submit
to the father
it is still the same
in this season
when fathers trained their sons
in the family business
by letting them watch
and participate
in what they were doing
the father initiated
and the sons followed
children were not called sons
until they could do what the father was doing
children had not yet learned
to work under the father's authority
we become sons and daughters
by obedient responses to the father's voice
sonship implies a level of maturity
that has learned to submit
to the father
it is still the same
in this season
Friday, August 10, 2007
listening moments
listen to me ........
consider the quarry from which you were mined
the rock from which you were cut
listen to me ...........
what good is fasting
when you keep on fighting and quarreling
you must go
and speak
and don't be afraid of the people
for I will be with you
and take care of you
what do you see
i see a pot of boiling water
tipping from the north
my heart is broken
because of the false prophets
the land itself is in mourning ........
its pastures dried up
for the prophets do evil
consider the quarry from which you were mined
the rock from which you were cut
listen to me ...........
what good is fasting
when you keep on fighting and quarreling
you must go
and speak
and don't be afraid of the people
for I will be with you
and take care of you
what do you see
i see a pot of boiling water
tipping from the north
my heart is broken
because of the false prophets
the land itself is in mourning ........
its pastures dried up
for the prophets do evil
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
peace moment
woods that have been left alone are quiet
there are birds singing
and the wind sometimes roars through the trees
but there is a special deep peace in those woods
if you walk through them long enough
some of that quiet gets absorbed inside
when nature whispers beauty
I do not always respond well
feverishly I want to get inside
I bang at the glass
it is so beautiful
it is too beautiful
only rarely do I feel calm
equal to the occasion
then I am
S. Russell
there are birds singing
and the wind sometimes roars through the trees
but there is a special deep peace in those woods
if you walk through them long enough
some of that quiet gets absorbed inside
when nature whispers beauty
I do not always respond well
feverishly I want to get inside
I bang at the glass
it is so beautiful
it is too beautiful
only rarely do I feel calm
equal to the occasion
then I am
S. Russell
Monday, August 06, 2007
pressing moment
one of my great pleasures while at the lake
is walking the roads
alongside the lake
and through the woods
six or so weeks ago
I pulled some grasses to press
thinking I might be able to use them
at some point
this afternoon
realizing it was now time to store them
I opened the press
the aroma was stunning
an amazing sweet fresh scent filled the room
and I realized anew
that it is indeed in the pressing
the fragrance is released
is walking the roads
alongside the lake
and through the woods
six or so weeks ago
I pulled some grasses to press
thinking I might be able to use them
at some point
this afternoon
realizing it was now time to store them
I opened the press
the aroma was stunning
an amazing sweet fresh scent filled the room
and I realized anew
that it is indeed in the pressing
the fragrance is released
Sunday, August 05, 2007
pot luck moments
there was a potluck at the lake
because I am home now for a few days
I considered whether or not
the four hour round trip drive
was worth it
felt this pulling to go
this is our fourth summer on the lake
and although we have made valued friendships
with some neighbours
we had yet to meet those on the other side of the lake
and so
pot in hand
we decided to attend
the weather was perfect
the hosts were wonderful
the fellowship was rich
there are about 80 cottages on the lake
and my best guess is
40 or so families were scattered on the lawn
there was an abundance of food
a huuuuuuuuge pot of coffee
tubs of beer, wine and pop
in the middle of the groaning table
was a chocolate fountain
surrounded by fresh fruit for dipping
met some absolutely fascinating people
there was one gentle man
who looked like grizzly adams
a massive barrel chest
plenty of hair on his cheeks, chin and in a pony tail
hands like baseball gloves
there was a moment
when beer in one hand
dripping garlic buttered skewered shrimp in the other
tears in his eyes
he simply asked
have you seen the herons dance
another lady
recently widowed
in her early 80's
came over
laid her head on my shoulder
and at that moment said
thank you for praying for me last week
I called my daughter
she is coming to see me tomorrow
and bringing my grandchildren
whom I have not seen for five years
another man overheard me talking about the kayak
and said
have you kayaked during dawn
and at that moment
we agreed to experience the beginning and the ending
together in the middle of the lake
(he too wishes for a coffee cup holder in his kayak)
and in another moment
two more kayakers agreed to join us
another couple drive every Friday night from New Jersey
to spend the weekend on the lake
they spent 3 years building their cottage
on a piece of land
the highest point of the shoreline
in a moment
we agreed to have dinner together in 2 weeks
another woman said she had heard I was on the lake
but did not know how to find me
and suddenly
in a moment
we were sharing dessert
and agreed to spend Tuesday mornings together
there was another young couple
sitting by themselves
under a tree
and in a moment
I recognized the weight on their shoulders
introduced myself
and quickly learned
he was a pastor
recently bitten by the sheep of his pasture
there were some off the wall moments too
accepting the challenge
to jump off the railing of the high deck
and somersault into the lake
and joining the kids on the trampoline
up and down
up and down
over and under
when saying good by and thanking our hosts
they mentioned hearing the singing from our dock
a week ago
asked if they could join us next time
and if he could bring his guitar
in a moment
it was evident
that the aroma of worship had crossed the lake
and touched hearts on the other side
all in all
I am very grateful
for the moment
we decided to go
pot in hand
there was a potluck at the lake
because I am home now for a few days
I considered whether or not
the four hour round trip drive
was worth it
felt this pulling to go
this is our fourth summer on the lake
and although we have made valued friendships
with some neighbours
we had yet to meet those on the other side of the lake
and so
pot in hand
we decided to attend
the weather was perfect
the hosts were wonderful
the fellowship was rich
there are about 80 cottages on the lake
and my best guess is
40 or so families were scattered on the lawn
there was an abundance of food
a huuuuuuuuge pot of coffee
tubs of beer, wine and pop
in the middle of the groaning table
was a chocolate fountain
surrounded by fresh fruit for dipping
met some absolutely fascinating people
there was one gentle man
who looked like grizzly adams
a massive barrel chest
plenty of hair on his cheeks, chin and in a pony tail
hands like baseball gloves
there was a moment
when beer in one hand
dripping garlic buttered skewered shrimp in the other
tears in his eyes
he simply asked
have you seen the herons dance
another lady
recently widowed
in her early 80's
came over
laid her head on my shoulder
and at that moment said
thank you for praying for me last week
I called my daughter
she is coming to see me tomorrow
and bringing my grandchildren
whom I have not seen for five years
another man overheard me talking about the kayak
and said
have you kayaked during dawn
and at that moment
we agreed to experience the beginning and the ending
together in the middle of the lake
(he too wishes for a coffee cup holder in his kayak)
and in another moment
two more kayakers agreed to join us
another couple drive every Friday night from New Jersey
to spend the weekend on the lake
they spent 3 years building their cottage
on a piece of land
the highest point of the shoreline
in a moment
we agreed to have dinner together in 2 weeks
another woman said she had heard I was on the lake
but did not know how to find me
and suddenly
in a moment
we were sharing dessert
and agreed to spend Tuesday mornings together
there was another young couple
sitting by themselves
under a tree
and in a moment
I recognized the weight on their shoulders
introduced myself
and quickly learned
he was a pastor
recently bitten by the sheep of his pasture
there were some off the wall moments too
accepting the challenge
to jump off the railing of the high deck
and somersault into the lake
and joining the kids on the trampoline
up and down
up and down
over and under
when saying good by and thanking our hosts
they mentioned hearing the singing from our dock
a week ago
asked if they could join us next time
and if he could bring his guitar
in a moment
it was evident
that the aroma of worship had crossed the lake
and touched hearts on the other side
all in all
I am very grateful
for the moment
we decided to go
pot in hand
Saturday, August 04, 2007
rising moments
vapor is drawn up by the sun
and as it gradually ascends
is rarefied
and made pure
the vapor's only contribution to this exercise
is to remain passive
and rise
and as it gradually ascends
is rarefied
and made pure
the vapor's only contribution to this exercise
is to remain passive
and rise
Friday, August 03, 2007
singing moment
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there
except those who sang best
John James Audubon
if no birds sang there
except those who sang best
John James Audubon
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thursday moments
in every man lies a zone of solitude
that no human intimacy can fill and there
God encounters us
Brother Roger
one is always looking
perhaps finding is simply looking further
the building we call church,
merely a scaffolding of struggling souls
only the voice of God
can make the desert sands rejoice
why do we strive to get people to go to church
when we are the church
dying is seeking the inner freedom to let go
and trust something new will be given
dying is moving into life beyond life
the challenge is to live our wounds through
by letting them go into our heart
instead of thinking them through
to let them enter our silence
instead of talking about them
hear the deep strong inner voice of love
and let it lead beyond the boundaries of this life
because of our belief in community
we choose to have no superiors
or inferiors
among us
we choose to be a community of dance and song
in spite of the tendencies of our times
to despair and cynicism
Weston Priory, Vermont
that no human intimacy can fill and there
God encounters us
Brother Roger
one is always looking
perhaps finding is simply looking further
the building we call church,
merely a scaffolding of struggling souls
only the voice of God
can make the desert sands rejoice
why do we strive to get people to go to church
when we are the church
dying is seeking the inner freedom to let go
and trust something new will be given
dying is moving into life beyond life
the challenge is to live our wounds through
by letting them go into our heart
instead of thinking them through
to let them enter our silence
instead of talking about them
hear the deep strong inner voice of love
and let it lead beyond the boundaries of this life
because of our belief in community
we choose to have no superiors
or inferiors
among us
we choose to be a community of dance and song
in spite of the tendencies of our times
to despair and cynicism
Weston Priory, Vermont
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
invading moment
a friend recently wrote a short article
in which he included the following phrase:
"allow the Lord to invade the ordinary moments of our lives
with His presence"
David Demian
within moments of reading David's words
another friend sent me a note
and I realized he was living what David had written
tent tethered among jackpine and blue-bells
lacewings rise from rock incubators
wild geese flying north
and I can't remember who I'm supposed to be
R MacL
in which he included the following phrase:
"allow the Lord to invade the ordinary moments of our lives
with His presence"
David Demian
within moments of reading David's words
another friend sent me a note
and I realized he was living what David had written
tent tethered among jackpine and blue-bells
lacewings rise from rock incubators
wild geese flying north
and I can't remember who I'm supposed to be
R MacL
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
dawn moments
even as a young child growing up at the water's edge
there was a yearning to be fully present during the dawn moments
and I would slip out of bed to sit at the end of the dock
in the silence during the ending of night
and the beginning of day
now some decades later
that yearning has only intensified
and I still slip out of bed to sit in silence at the end of the dock
to be fully present during the ending
and the beginning
mostly alone
coffee in hand
it remains a deep privilege
there is a sense of holiness in the hush
as the land yawns itself awake
and the mirror calm of the water ripples in its stretch
to my ears this all takes place in deep silence
but I cannot help but wonder if the silence is only in my ears
does this all take place really with a shout and joyous laughter
dancing excitement
is there an explosion of sound as light bursts the fabric of darkness
a friend recently asked why I thought Moses was told to remove his sandals
was it so that not even a thin slip of leather would separate him
from the holy Presence on the land
and as I have been pondering that
sitting on the end of the dock seemed too far removed
from the ending
and the beginning
this morning
in the fog
I slipped into the kayak to sit in the middle of the lake
to feel its awakening stretch
perhaps tomorrow I might enter into the water itself
to remove the separation of the thin slip of the kayak's skin
Monday, July 30, 2007
wisdom moments
The wedding was beautiful—the happy couple joined together in marriage, witnessed by smiling and crying family and friends in a perfect setting.
Next came the reception and the bride, glowing with joy, had just danced with her father.
And now, the tall, handsome groom had taken me into his arms for the mother-son dance.
As he hugged me tightly he said, “Mom, you look great. It doesn’t even matter that you’re wearing a wig.”
Needless to say, all of the tears I’d managed to hold back so far flooded down my face and our dance became a special moment in time that I will never forget—as memorable to me as the moment this son was born.
But, months earlier, neither of us had been so sure—my son had been quite upset when he learned I would lose all of my hair before his wedding and I’d had plenty of misgivings of my own…
As I contemplate going to Kevin’s wedding in a wig I’m feeling kind of melancholy—running my fingers through my hair, looking at my eyebrows and thinking how I will miss them.
But I must trust that there are new lessons I will learn and share with others.
Every hair on my head is numbered—each one may fall out but God will still know exactly what the current count is.
And, when it’s gone He’ll know the follicle count and the number of hairs that will grow back. He’ll know the color and the texture and just as He knitted me together in my mother’s womb, He will knit me back together again.
This whole episode shouldn’t be about how I look—it’s should be about how much glory He can receive out of my life—it should be about how much damage can be done to the enemy as I stand firm in my faith…
And yet, the idea of no hair and no eyebrows continues to nag at me—this is appearance only, so why does it bother me so much?
I imagine it’s mostly because of Kevin’s wedding, and I want to look really nice.
I don’t want him to be negatively affected by my appearance, remembering for the rest of his life whenever he looks at one of his wedding pictures that his mom had cancer…
It’s interesting that it’s the hair that spurs feelings of not being in control—apparently this is normal because one of the cancer web sites suggested shaving it off before it fell out in order to maintain a sense of control.
Is there an issue of control in my life that needs to be submitted to the Lord?
I surrender all Father—I confess my total helplessness to manage any part of this situation—take all of my scars, including the impending hair loss.
I’d like to consider them as badges of honor, signifying that You have brought me through, and that in each incidence of weakness You were strong.
May each scar and each hair that falls from my body be a reminder to me that my life is not about what I look like or how I feel—let them instead be a reminder of how great is my God…Living without fear is one thing, but how will I handle living without hair?
This won’t jut be a “bad hair day”—it’ll be a “no hair day” that lasts for many months!
What is it about hair that is so important?
How can something with such an unglamorous definition as “a filament growing out of the skin” be so significant in our lives?
Click on a television for five minutes and chances are there will be a commercial for a hair product or a hair restoration method; and of course it’ll promise wonderful, manageable results. Walk into any drug store and observe the shampoos, conditioners, gels, dyes and sprays; combs, brushes, curling irons and hair dryers; hair clips, bands and bows—on and on, aisle after aisle.
Or listen to the lyrics from the hit song from the rock musical of the same name, “Gimme a head with hair; long beautiful hair…I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty, oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen, knotted, polka-dotted, twisted, beaded, braided, powdered, flowered, and confettied, bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!
There ain't no words for the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my...Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair…”
It’s a given that our society sees hair as vital to our lives, but what does God have to say about it?
A search revealed ninety-nine references to hair in the NIV and a similar number in most other popular versions of the Bible.
For the most part, its significance seems to be as a positive image that implies health and beauty, but hair often symbolizes larger spiritual issues as well.
How could I apply these lessons to my own experience?
Time and again I took comfort in the familiar verses of Matthew 10:29-31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Another passage in Numbers 6 speaks of the treatment of hair if a man or woman wanted to make a special vow of separation to the LORD, “During the entire period of his vow of separation no razor may be used on his head. He must be holy until the period of his separation to the LORD is over; he must let the hair of his head grow long…Throughout the period of his separation he is consecrated to the LORD…Then at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the Nazirite must shave off the hair that he dedicated. He is to take the hair and put it in the fire that is under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering.” (verses 5,6,18,19)
By default this would be a time of separation from the world—I was just too sick and tired to go anywhere or do anything except cry out to God—so…
the only way I know how to deal with this illness is to offer it to God—right along with, I now realize, a possessiveness of my hair.
Father, I give you my hair as an offering of faith…
In prayer I felt as if I was at Jesus feet—like Mary—but instead of washing His feet with tears and drying them with my hair, all of my numbered hairs that fell out were mixed with all of my tears and presented as an offering to him.
Hair is commonly thought of as being symbolic of wisdom, so I’m offering Him all of my earthly wisdom—laying it at His feet along with all of my tears and my pain.
And, as my hair grows back, may it be representative of a new level of godly wisdom in me. Every hair that comes in will be counted, just as the ones that fell out were, and my prayer is that my new physical hair will be a physical picture of God doing a new work in my life.
My hair continues to come out—my eyebrows are almost gone.
I admit it’s hard to look at myself in the mirror sometimes.
I also admit that the upcoming 12 weeks with another round of chemo is not something I look forward to.
I can only continue this because of the certainty that the LORD is with me and He has a plan.
I honestly don’t know how people endure this treatment without God.
No wonder there’s so much fear.
But He is greater than any problem and I will continue to trust him.
I’ve been told the worst is behind me and I’ve made it through almost six months of this—another three and my hair should start coming back.
Lord, how I thank you for the bright spot of Kevin’s wedding in the midst of it all.
What grace and mercy—God’s timing is so perfect.
And He even let me keep enough eyebrows to be able to see where to pencil them in!
Barbara Parker
Next came the reception and the bride, glowing with joy, had just danced with her father.
And now, the tall, handsome groom had taken me into his arms for the mother-son dance.
As he hugged me tightly he said, “Mom, you look great. It doesn’t even matter that you’re wearing a wig.”
Needless to say, all of the tears I’d managed to hold back so far flooded down my face and our dance became a special moment in time that I will never forget—as memorable to me as the moment this son was born.
But, months earlier, neither of us had been so sure—my son had been quite upset when he learned I would lose all of my hair before his wedding and I’d had plenty of misgivings of my own…
As I contemplate going to Kevin’s wedding in a wig I’m feeling kind of melancholy—running my fingers through my hair, looking at my eyebrows and thinking how I will miss them.
But I must trust that there are new lessons I will learn and share with others.
Every hair on my head is numbered—each one may fall out but God will still know exactly what the current count is.
And, when it’s gone He’ll know the follicle count and the number of hairs that will grow back. He’ll know the color and the texture and just as He knitted me together in my mother’s womb, He will knit me back together again.
This whole episode shouldn’t be about how I look—it’s should be about how much glory He can receive out of my life—it should be about how much damage can be done to the enemy as I stand firm in my faith…
And yet, the idea of no hair and no eyebrows continues to nag at me—this is appearance only, so why does it bother me so much?
I imagine it’s mostly because of Kevin’s wedding, and I want to look really nice.
I don’t want him to be negatively affected by my appearance, remembering for the rest of his life whenever he looks at one of his wedding pictures that his mom had cancer…
It’s interesting that it’s the hair that spurs feelings of not being in control—apparently this is normal because one of the cancer web sites suggested shaving it off before it fell out in order to maintain a sense of control.
Is there an issue of control in my life that needs to be submitted to the Lord?
I surrender all Father—I confess my total helplessness to manage any part of this situation—take all of my scars, including the impending hair loss.
I’d like to consider them as badges of honor, signifying that You have brought me through, and that in each incidence of weakness You were strong.
May each scar and each hair that falls from my body be a reminder to me that my life is not about what I look like or how I feel—let them instead be a reminder of how great is my God…Living without fear is one thing, but how will I handle living without hair?
This won’t jut be a “bad hair day”—it’ll be a “no hair day” that lasts for many months!
What is it about hair that is so important?
How can something with such an unglamorous definition as “a filament growing out of the skin” be so significant in our lives?
Click on a television for five minutes and chances are there will be a commercial for a hair product or a hair restoration method; and of course it’ll promise wonderful, manageable results. Walk into any drug store and observe the shampoos, conditioners, gels, dyes and sprays; combs, brushes, curling irons and hair dryers; hair clips, bands and bows—on and on, aisle after aisle.
Or listen to the lyrics from the hit song from the rock musical of the same name, “Gimme a head with hair; long beautiful hair…I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty, oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen, knotted, polka-dotted, twisted, beaded, braided, powdered, flowered, and confettied, bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!
There ain't no words for the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my...Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair…”
It’s a given that our society sees hair as vital to our lives, but what does God have to say about it?
A search revealed ninety-nine references to hair in the NIV and a similar number in most other popular versions of the Bible.
For the most part, its significance seems to be as a positive image that implies health and beauty, but hair often symbolizes larger spiritual issues as well.
How could I apply these lessons to my own experience?
Time and again I took comfort in the familiar verses of Matthew 10:29-31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Another passage in Numbers 6 speaks of the treatment of hair if a man or woman wanted to make a special vow of separation to the LORD, “During the entire period of his vow of separation no razor may be used on his head. He must be holy until the period of his separation to the LORD is over; he must let the hair of his head grow long…Throughout the period of his separation he is consecrated to the LORD…Then at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the Nazirite must shave off the hair that he dedicated. He is to take the hair and put it in the fire that is under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering.” (verses 5,6,18,19)
By default this would be a time of separation from the world—I was just too sick and tired to go anywhere or do anything except cry out to God—so…
the only way I know how to deal with this illness is to offer it to God—right along with, I now realize, a possessiveness of my hair.
Father, I give you my hair as an offering of faith…
In prayer I felt as if I was at Jesus feet—like Mary—but instead of washing His feet with tears and drying them with my hair, all of my numbered hairs that fell out were mixed with all of my tears and presented as an offering to him.
Hair is commonly thought of as being symbolic of wisdom, so I’m offering Him all of my earthly wisdom—laying it at His feet along with all of my tears and my pain.
And, as my hair grows back, may it be representative of a new level of godly wisdom in me. Every hair that comes in will be counted, just as the ones that fell out were, and my prayer is that my new physical hair will be a physical picture of God doing a new work in my life.
My hair continues to come out—my eyebrows are almost gone.
I admit it’s hard to look at myself in the mirror sometimes.
I also admit that the upcoming 12 weeks with another round of chemo is not something I look forward to.
I can only continue this because of the certainty that the LORD is with me and He has a plan.
I honestly don’t know how people endure this treatment without God.
No wonder there’s so much fear.
But He is greater than any problem and I will continue to trust him.
I’ve been told the worst is behind me and I’ve made it through almost six months of this—another three and my hair should start coming back.
Lord, how I thank you for the bright spot of Kevin’s wedding in the midst of it all.
What grace and mercy—God’s timing is so perfect.
And He even let me keep enough eyebrows to be able to see where to pencil them in!
Barbara Parker
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