Monday, April 03, 2006

exposing moments

for months now
my prayer has been
that God would expose
everything that should be exposed
and it has been an interesting few days
as He continues to answer ........
I am once again surprised
at the anger hidden
inside the brokenness
of those around me
every now and again
something causes a crack to open
allowing little pieces of its rawness to seep out
and I step back a little further
in surprise
on the other hand
there has been overwhelming kindness
and love exposed
over the last few days as well
the tender thoughtfulness of a daughter
a son who would drive five hours to take his mom to dinner
the poustinia in oils
friends singing around my table
chocolate cake
all in the shadow of the cross
it is very good to KNOW
that He hears every spoken word
and even those not spoken
and as the air slowly escapes the balloons
I breathe deeply of the One
Who is
as close as my breath
and give thanks for life

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