Thursday, June 15, 2006

thursday moment

the world flows over my soul today
and I am burdened
for the ones who sit in a pew
and for the ones who stand
before the ones who sit in a pew

many whom God has
the church does not have
many whom the church has
God does not have

there are churched unbelievers
those who attend a place of worship
but remain untouched by the Truth

the one most strongly gifted for ministry
will not rise to the top
but sink to the bottom
to undergird
and provoke
the rest of the people of God

it is a mistake to be at ease
with ease

a friend is one who loves another
into a deeper reality
Jesus knows from what mud I am fashioned
and as I pack my life into boxes
this truth
is where I find my peace
this day

1 comment:

myrrha said...

Dan Allendar says; "To love is to be more committed to the other than we are to the relationship; to be more concerned about his/her walk with God than the comforts or benefits of his/her walk with us"

I love how you've put it; "one who loves another into a deeper reality", too.

This truth has pierced me often.