Friday, March 10, 2006

day ten moment

"at Calvary the naked truth is staring down at us all the time from the cross
challenging us to drop the pose and own the truth"
Roy Hession

John, the beloved, dares to draw close
sees the tightening ropes
the bleeding lip
the swollen face

in blind denial
tries to blend in with a crowd
loyalty abandoned for personal safety
and yet still desiring to be near
he seeks the shadows

but there is a moment
while dragged to Caiaphas
the eyes of Jesus lock onto the eyes of Peter

Peter's denial burns in his heart
like the kiss of Judas burned the cheeks of Jesus

and I consider
is it always easy for me to return the gaze of this man Jesus

how often do I too follow
only at a distance

how many times have I denied
causing tears of regret to fall like a curtain
between my eyes and His

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